Thursday, December 4, 2008

Final Shout Out!

I feel sad while writing this final blog for our English writing skills class. The class was a lot of fun and the best part was writing blogs every month. Usually I never got down to writing, lets omit my scribbles in my dream diary here, and I found it to be a nice change. We learned quite a lot in this class. I, for one, had completely lost confidence in my writing skills after my A levels, as I got an E in my English paper. Even though everyone begged me to get the paper rechecked I was too scared and so I refused to do anything about it. Although I would like to add that I got an A in my O levels. For some reason Jamal’s name pops into my head, maybe it is the fact that I needed the feeling of being accepted, and liked, in English class again. This in my opinion has been the biggest gain for me.
Apart from this we learned how to put our thoughts on paper, with the appropriate grammar and punctuation. We learned numerous strategies and heard various pod casts, the starting tune to which is ingrained on each students minds. We learned that we should eavesdrop on people, not in a negative context but instead to help us write better dialogues. We got to know secrets to writing by some famous writers, for example Stephen King and George Orwell. We read a few stories which had confused personalities in them all. And we analyzed them for hours and hours till we could not utter another word and then would be sent off on a break. It was enlightening, and felt great, to know that I could actually come up with a few words to describe other personalities. The stories we read are ‘Urdu, my love song’, Poison, A Hanging and Shooting an Elephant. We got to know the meaning of the word connotative and denotative. We learned how to write persuasive essays and how to write a thesis statement which basically is the main idea of your essay.
We also learned how to politely tell a waitress if we need to go use the restroom. Or else, if we need to command a younger sibling, we learned how to do it nicely. In this class the boys also learned to ask the girls out, politely. We found out that our opinions and statements would sound less judgmental if we use distancing verb forms. Then we started talking in quite a bit of the British accent, when we were doing softening expressions.