Sunday, September 28, 2008

River Rafting!

I was thrilled when I got to know the news. We were going to go river rafting. This seemed to be the bes thing I will do all summer.

My parents and siblings are all going to come. Everybody’s excited and has high expectations about this event. I mean how many people actually go river rafting in their life. I know of people who only dream about such things. It is going to be a lot of fun. Nothing will go wrong. Even if something does, my dad can handle it. He is very knowledgeable about rafting.

When we got to the river, I started getting scared. Seeing the vast river, with fast and fierce waves crashing hard on the rocks was enough to knock some sense into people. It even reminded me of the swimming lessons that my mother made me take. And I silently thanked her for them.

Finally when we started, it turned out to be a lot of fun. We were made to wear really cool looking life jackets and were sprayed with indefinite amounts of water. It was as if we were sitting in the shower. I loved every millisecond of it and did not want such a roller coaster ride to end.

It definitely was the best thing I did all summer.

Thursday, September 11, 2008

Being Mom For Sehri

“Oh My God!!! Its 5:15 am!!! I’m getting late!!!”
Those are my first words as soon as my alarm rings. Then, as usual, I say to myself, only five more minutes and I will be ready to run today’s marathon. I sleep for another ten minutes and wake up with a start. Closing my eyes for a second, I sit up and take a deep breath.
“Uffff, I have to make the kids shut the television before 2 o clock! I shall give them the good news tomorrow.”
I smile when I think of their reaction to the news and go to the bathroom. It did not take long for me to realize I have to put the tea on the stove, I go to the kitchen put the tea. Then came back and splashed ice cold water, a dozen times, on my face.
On entering the kitchen I immediately went to the automatic-robotic-cook mode and started multi-tasking. Putting all the different kinds of foods on the stove, in the microwave and the oven. I made the parathas, omelet and everything that was required for the day. After all the preparations, I realized Summaiya specifically told me that she would have cereal today. ‘Oh, well,” I thought to myself, “She will just have to eat it. Eventually, she has to have proper food sometime, plus it will help her get through the day.” At this moment, I remember I have to go wake them up.
“Summaiya, Sabika wake aaap, time for sehri, I do not want to hear you both whine all day, so wake aaap”
Right on que, Sabika turns away from the light I just switched on. Summaiya is still sleeping like a log. I start pulling their legs and tugging their blankets away from them. Then I turn the fan on. I keep up my work till I finally manage to make them hear me. After sending Sabika to the bathroom, I use my I’m-getting-angry-now voice on Summaiya and she also manages to drag herself to the bathroom.
That’s a blessing, Summaiya has not noticed that she is having omelet. Oh forgot the bread. I rush to the kitchen while shouting at Summaiya to go wake Dada up, and then to go see what Saby was upto. She must have fallen asleep again. I go to the kitchen to find that my breads just right for me, although it is a bit dark, read burnt, but it will do. I put the parathas, jelly, thermos and the days food on the table. Summaiya has already laid the table and everyone has started eating. I glance at the clock, right on schedule. I take my seat and start having sehri. In a matter of seconds, I realize the parathas are finishing. I get up and make some immediately.
‘Ma, you will run out of time, everyone here is almost done, there is no need for more parathas.’
I make two and return to the table and eat in peace. These are the 10 minutes of calm that make me feel like I have achieved something.
‘Saby, kuch chahiye? Nahi? Ok go and wash your face, then recite the Quran.’
I clean up the table with Summaiya. I realize that amal will take another ten minutes to wake up for water, and she must have water as she does not have any food. I take a bottle and go to my room. “Amal pani peelo.”
I put the half full glass next to her. “Saby go and drink water, and ask everyone to have some too, times running out.”
I drink water, pick the Quran up and started praying from where I left off yesterday. While waiting for the Azaan, we have a habit of reciting the Quran. I watch Saby reciting her own Quran, I smile as I watch her recite it. Her eyes are puffy from waking up in the middle of the night.
The rush hour has finally passed till another twenty four hours. I fall asleep until my alarm clock wakes me up again. This time, it will ring to wake me up to send Saby to school.
“Oh My God!!! Its 7:15 am!!! I’m getting late!!!”